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Notepad Tricks

12:06 AM |

The Best Notepad Tricks For Windows:
If you press F5 in notepad, it will insert current date and time in the file. I think most of us know about this notepad trick. It is also mentioned in the Edit menu of the notepad.
Notepad isn't really that bad. It is a age old app, but it's still popular because of its simplicity.
Now I am going to show some fun notepad tricks. Enjoy these cool tricks.

Matrix Effect
Not much to explain, just follow the steps and see the amazing matrix effect happen in your DOS window:
Open Notepad.
Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
Save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat
Thats it. Just open the file to see the matrix effect right before your eyes!
This is one of the mysterious notepad tricks we know. According to the trick it really seems Microsoft had put some hack into the coding of notepad making the text hidden after saving it.

Bush Hid the Facts/This App Can Break
This is one of the most popular notepad tricks because of its mysterious nature. In order to get an idea as to what this trick does, just follow the steps given below:
Open notepad.
Save that file.
Close it
Open It Again See…
Why This Happens ? : It was later known 4335 Rule. It means that if we enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters each, and the last word has five letters. Then Notepad Automatically hides the text into unknown code. Similar are with "this app can break"

Constantly Repeat Messages
Using this notepad trick you can annoy anyone and can actually force them to log off or leave the computer (LOL….). This notepad trick will create an infinite cycle of a message in the computer. Follow the steps to know more:
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:
@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d
Save the file with any file name but with .bat as extension and close it. For eg. Freakymessage.bat
After saving the file just open it (by double clicking) and see what happens.
Pssstttt……. You can piss of your friends by sending it as an email attachment asking them to try it out !

Shut-down The Computer After Conveying Any Message
This one is kind of an annoying trick and if used unknowingly can certainly cause problems (am serious). What this trick does is, after conveying a (any) message it shuts down the computer without any confirmation. In order to create the Shutdown file, follow the below mentioned steps:
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in it:
@echo off
msg * Its time to get some rest.
shutdown -c “Error! You have to take rest! Byeeeeee” -s
Save the file with any name but with .bat extension and close it. For eg. TakeRest.bat
NOTE : Use this carefully. If you are playing prank then keep in mind that this may lead to loss as it shuts down the computer forcefully.

Type “You are a fool” Continuously
Not much to explain, the title says it all! Follow the steps to make this trick work:
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “You are a fool.”
Save the file with any name but with .vbs extension and close it.
Ope the file and see how it makes you type!
NOTE: In order to stop it. Follow the “Note” given in 10th Trick.

Open Notepad continuously
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in your notepad file:
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%system32notepad.exe
GOTO top
Save the file with any name nut with .bat extension and close it.
Now open the file and see how it annoys you by opening notepad again and again.

Pick Your Option Batch File
When used this creates a file which asks you to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action (as shown below – Action accompanied by number):
1 – Shut’s down the computer
2 – Restart’s the computer
3 – Wipes out the hard drive
4 – Net send
5 – Shows a message & then shut’s down the computer
Before you try out this trick, keep in mind that this can cause loss of important data on your (or any one else’s on which you are running this file) computer system. So BEWARE! In order to create the file, follow the steps given below:
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:
@echo off
title Get A Life
cd C:
echo I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. If you press ‘x’ then your PC will be formatted. Do not cry if you loose your data or anything.
echo Pick your option:
echo 1. Die Slowly
echo 2. Instant Death
echo 3. Stay Away From This One
echo 4. Die this way (For Wimps!)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two
Save the file with any name and with a .bat extension and close the file.

Format Your Hard Disk Using Just Notepad !!
Ever wondered of a way to format your hard disk using just notepad ?
I bet you haven’t even thought about it or if you have had then you would still have preferred using reliable software’s available to do the job.
In this post i am going to share a simple way to format your C drive (Yep, only C drive) using just notepad. This is just a nice little nifty trick, which i am sharing with you. Make sure you don’t actually use it on your business computer. Try to make this trick work in a VMWare Machine in your free time.
Moving on, in order to completely format your C: Drive (Primary disk) follow the steps given below :-
Open notepad.
Type the following the code in it (Or just copy paste it).
01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100
Save it as an .exe file giving any name you desire.
Thats It ! Now just double click on the file (to open it) and your C: drive will be formatted !
This is just a little binary fun. Be Careful while using it.
UPDATE : No, you can’t run it from C: drive itself (not from the drive in which OS is installed & running).

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